Kitchen Storage Solutions
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Kitchen Storage Solutions

Because I’m an overly organized person, I detest clutter. Unfortunately, I have a small kitchen but love to cook. Therefore, I’ve sometimes struggled to find spaces to store my pots, pans, utensils, glasses, canned goods, bottled water, and spices. Thankfully, over the years, I’ve developed smart storage solutions for this important room in my home. If your kitchen is overflowing with clutter, consider investing in an inexpensive spice rack, pot rack, or portable kitchen island with built-in storage. You might also wish to rent a storage unit to place kitchen items you don’t use very often in. On this blog, I hope you will discover simple, affordable solutions to your kitchen storage needs. Enjoy!


Kitchen Storage Solutions

  • Are You An Artist With A Growing Collection Of Art To Sell? Put Finished Pieces Into Storage While Selling

    10 August 2016

    Graphic designers and concept artists are often employed by companies and have the ability to store their artwork on a hard drive. But, as a freelance artist who does painting, watercoloring, or another art form, you may end up building a collection that exceeds what you are able to store inside your home. So, it is a good idea to rent a storage unit to use as your main hub for holding finished pieces.

  • 4 Unusual Uses Of A Storage Unit

    6 August 2016

    You already know that self storage units offer a practical solution for a variety of situations, including storing your extra belongings when you downsize into a smaller home and storing your stuff when you're staging your home for sale. In addition to the more common reasons people rent self storage units, however, there are also a few more unusual and creative ways to use storage units you may have never considered before.

  • Three Ways Traveling Nurses Can Use Self-Storage Units

    5 August 2016

    A career as a traveling nurse can be a rewarding one, but all of the moving from one place to another can make things complicated. Knowing what to do with your personal items is just one issue traveling nurses face. Fortunately, a self-storage unit can help you as you travel the globe caring for the sick. Here are just a few ways self-storage units can help.  Long-Term Storage Self-storage units provide the long-term storage you need for items you want to use when you do finally settle back down into a permanent nursing placement.

  • Make Room For Summer -- 4 Tips For Storing All Your Winter Gear

    4 August 2016

    If you live in a higher elevation that gets harsh or snowy winters, the odds are pretty good that you have a lot of winter gear hanging around the house. Winter equipment and clothing is bulky and likely gets in the way when it needs stored for half the year. But you can't get rid of it either. One good solution to all these storage problems is to use a separate location to both protect and organize your seasonal gear.

  • How To Assess The Security Of A Storage Facility

    4 August 2016

    When you place your belongings in a storage unit, you have to know that it has a certain attraction for thieves. After all, you have a ton of potentially valuable items within a small space. Thus, before you place your belongings in a storage locker, you should look into the security that the facility you rent from provides. Masonry Wall The first thing you should inspect is the boundary around the perimeter of the facility.